Finding Other Groups For Referrals
When I begin communicating with a person who truly requires help, I do what I can via email to assist but obviously I'm limited due to distance and the necessity for the client to remain "invisible". The client is usually nervous, scared, embarrassed, etc. It would be my job in the beginning to make them feel as comfortable as I could to get them to open up to me regarding their problem. Once that is accomplished and the simple techniques I use either help to a point or don't help and distance is an issue, I have to refer the case out.
Referring a case out to someone else after making the client feel comfortable can be a terrifying experience for them. They have opened up to you and feel comfortable with you and you have taken them at their most vulnerable by listening to what they feel are their most intimate secrets and very possibly, something they haven't told anyone else and now you have to refer them out.
How do you find a group that thinks as you do? How can you know how they will be handled with respect to their privacy when every group seems to want to put their information on youtube or myspace? How do you keep this intimate relationship you have formed with your client such that they will still be able to seek out help?
The unfortunate answer is you can't. You can do your best to search and research groups that are out there and then finally make a decision on one but it's definitely a hit-and-miss situation. You can email the group's leader or talk to them on the phone but you don't really know how they will handle the client you are turning over to them and can only hope that they receive the great treatment you have given.
You don't know the other group's methodology (which can be important to some people) nor the way they perform their investigations and research. This again brings up the point of sharing and communication among groups. Unfortunately, that is not ever going to happen.
As I've said in the past, there are still many, many groups out there that think that they have the ultimate photograph, video, recording that is going to make them famous, make them a star, make them a mega-millionaire, whatever the next bunch of big words are after these. The truth is that this is not going to happen. While "Ghost Hunters" were the first bunch to have a TV show and then the trickle down effect has brought us to "Ghost Adventures", all the many, many paranormal programs in between have not made it to the point of either of these programs and the interest is now not only waxing but waning and eventually, not too long from now, will be discontinued all together. I, for one, am happy about this. In the same way that Bigfoot research came and went and also the UFO craze came and went, this will also.
Looking at the many groups that HAD websites out there, many are now gone, their domains not renewed, their groups disbanded.
Finding a good group to help your client has now become quite a challenge and hopefully, somehow you will be able to find a good, caring group out there for your client. They deserve caring people just as they had you.
Labels: EMF, EVP, ghosts, haunting, medium, paranormal, research, spirits