A Letter To Santa Claus
I have been a pretty good girl this year. I have given to the needy, been a patient driver and realized I couldn't spank my older children anymore because it hurts my hand. My Christmas list is below:
1. I would like to have a thermal imaging camera. Doesn't have to be a really expensive one.
2. I would like to have another Tri-field EMF meter.
3. I would like to have another monitor for our other DVR.
4. I would like a gross of duct tape.
5. I would ask for peace on Earth but that won't happen so I'll ask for peace among the people of California.
6. I would like kindness to all animals on Earth. I know this can be done.
7. I would like to actually see a ghost this year as opposed to getting shoved or hearing them talk to me. This should actually be #1.
Santa, I'm not going to be Sally from Charlie Brown's Christmas....see the transcript below:
Sally: I've been looking for you, big brother. Will you please write a letter to Santa Claus for me? Charlie Brown: Well, I don't have much time. I'm supposed to get down to the school auditorium to direct a Christmas play.
Sally: [hands a clipboard and pen to Charlie Brown] You write it and I'll tell you what I want to say.
Charlie Brown: [sticks pen in his mouth] Okay, shoot.
Sally: [dictating her letter to Santa Claus as Charlie Brown writes it for her] Dear Santa Claus, How have you been? Did you have a nice summer? [Charlie Brown looks at her]
Sally: How is your wife? I have been extra good this year, so I have a long list of presents that I want.
Charlie Brown: Oh brother.
Sally: Please note the size and color of each item, and send as many as possible. If it seems too complicated, make it easy on yourself: just send money. How about tens and twenties?
Charlie Brown: TENS AND TWENTIES? Oh, even my baby sister!
Sally: All I want is what I... I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share!!
So Santa....I don't want to have "as many as possible" nor do I want "tens and twenties". While that would be nice, it's just not right or possible. Other people want gifts too.
I would like this year to be better than last year as far as our investigations are concerned, health and safety for our members and their families and the ability to find the ever elusive ghostly activity I've been looking for.
Could you also check on my dad and Aunt Lupe? They haven't visited us from heaven for awhile. I miss them.
Thank you very much.
Best wishes to you and Mrs. Claus for this holiday season and hoping the reindeer don't slide off the roof THIS year (I'm know it must have hurt),