Thursday, November 22, 2007


It's Thanksgiving day so I thought I would post some thoughts here:

1. I'm thankful for my father. He taught me patience. I miss him.

2. I'm thankful for my husband. He taught me to have persistence.

3. I'm thankful for my daughter. She taught me to look at the whole picture.

4. I'm thankful for my first son. He taught me to love different music.

5. I'm thankful for my second son. He taught me how fun it was to watch my children grow into two wonderful men and a woman.

6. I'm grateful for the time I have with my family. I love them.

7. I'm grateful for what material possessions I have. I wouldn't miss any of them if something happened to them. They are, after all, material possessions.

8. I'm grateful for the wonderful friends that are members of our group, networking buddies and overall thoughtful people who write to me because I totally forget to do it to them. Thank you.

9. The year 2007 has been a tumultuous year but filled with wonderful surprises and things we've done or that happened for us. I look to year 2008 for much bigger, better surprises and more things that we will accomplish. All these things I can pack away in the memory book in my head and open any time I want to to remember the day or time.

10. I'm so very grateful I was finally able to have a great dream that included me and my dad and I actually was able to see his face last night.

Happy Thanksgiving Dad.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Please be grateful for the family you have and the memories you make. They can disappear quickly and last forever!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

They're Coming Out Of The Woodwork....

Psychics are everywhere. I can't stand it. Everybody has to be a psychic. What happened to the days when people were just people? I really want those days back. I just watched an episode of "Ghost Whisperer". What a great episode showing the difference between those that can and those that can't. I would have to say that at least 99.9% of people who claim to be psychic are not and are not even close. Are they wannabe's? Well, let me tell you if I could, I would.....but I'm not, I can't and I know it.

Those that say that they are, that are now "respected" in the industry have been around a long time and have paid many dues to get where they are. Very similar to those of us paranormal researchers who have been around a long time and are now looking at the next generation making a fool of all of us. There are those psychics, sensitives and mediums who have a definite gift. I applaud them, envy them, look up to them. Then there are those who have been around in their little niche in the world or in America and are now riding on the heels of the bandwagon who are not very good at all but are trying to make a name for themselves by calling themselves "world renowned". I met a so-called psychic from Sacramento, California who claims to be "world renowned" and been around for a long time and I've never heard of her. Reading as many books as I have on anything metaphysical, supernatural or paranormal, I would have thought I'd have at least heard her name. NOTHING!!!

It really ticks me off that these people can go around saying this. But, in truth, there are no psychic police. Just more skeptics, scientists and other naysayers willing to look at them making idiots of themselves and then dragging the rest of us, hell bent on finding scientific answers, into the cauldron with them stating that because they look stupid, we must look that way too!!! How crass!!!

Just as in my previous blog, Richard Senate hit the nail on the head. As he stated, "every 10-year-old with an EMF meter is a ghost hunter", so it is with psychics. Every 10-year-old who has one intuitive thought is turned into a psychic by their parents or people who have an intuitive thought are automatically turned into psychics.

Don't get me wrong. I know a few really GOOD, honest psychics and I talk with them regularly, have validated their results and I feel comfortable with them but there are way too many who know nothing but try to make people feel good by telling them what they want to hear. I counsel people too, but after that, I'm back out in the trenches working to find the answers we all need.

What is it with people that require them to freely take people's money, say they can see ghosts, hear ghosts and commune among the spirits when in fact, they do not? Why do they want people to believe that they can do this only to benefit from it while the people putting out for their services have no idea they are a fraud?

I tell you....the paranormal portataxi continues on its' way and while it scoots on down the line, the ride is good for some. Well, let them ride it and take people for all they have or for what little notoriety they can get. I have to get the graveyard dirt out from under my fingernails!!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Surprised?? Not really!!!

It should come as no surprised to anyone that there are hundreds, no, maybe thousands of websites dedicated to ghosts, spirits, hauntings, psychics, mediums and any other number of things associated with these things. What a boom!!

In the old days, it was hard to get our word out and for people to believe us and now "every 10-year-old with an EMF meter is now a ghost hunter." You know who said that? The one and only Richard Senate, the ghost stalker himself. I think he is the only one who is old enough to remember when there wasn't anyone else. He has to have the oldest website around. The Ghost Trackers group has been a group for a long time (since 1992) but we only had a web presence when we noticed others had one and thought we also had a message to convey.

The ride has been wild. I look back at all the newspaper articles, the radio segments, television segments and other such things and remember how much fun it used to be to do those and share our experiences. It's still fun, don't get me wrong, but everyone that has a group has to compete for the almighty pen or camera pointed at them. All these groups have infiltrated every pore of every type of media. It's getting to the point where there are way too many of us. Add to that that many have the "me" syndrome of the 80's and it becomes almost distressing. Yet, no one discusses this except with whispers in the corner. Why can't we all just get along?

We all need to learn how to share our information. We all need to learn that we are NOT the only group out there. We all need to learn how to work together. There aren't going to be any scientific breakthroughs while we are all quibbling for this guest spot or that one. We all need to get back into the field and stop making silly accusations, snide remarks and dead (no pun intended) handshakes smiling at someone and yet, snarling at them behind their backs. One group is no better than another. I will have to wait until this fad slows down or stops altogether to make sense of the collateral damage that has occurred. I am not surprised at the outcome now. Everything goes through its' course in this way, but I'll wait until it slows down again because there will be a lot of people, good people, left in the wake of this wild ride who will need someone to help nurse them back to reality.

Ghosts are ghosts and have been around for many, many years and will be around for much more. Paranormal researchers are getting to be many but there is nothing coming from it. We all need to get back into the trenches and work.

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