Happy New Hauntings!!
Why would the spirits need to be acknowledged? Have you ever walked into a room and there were people that you may or may not know and they walked right past you? They didn't smile at you or say hello and yet, you know you are standing right in the room with them. Not only is that mean but it hurts your feelings. The same, we believe, is true with spirits. Remember, spirits have died but they die with the same emotions, attitudes and personalities that they had when they were alive. If you acknowledge them in some way, then they are happy too. We receive dozens of emails daily asking for help with spirits in people's homes. Our best and easiest answer is to acknowledge them ~ say hello, goodbye, talk to them, sing to them. What you may not realize is that you do this every day anyway ~ you can't tell me you don't talk to yourself during any given day ~ just direct it to them. I always walk around and sing. I don't sing well and prefer to do it by myself in my car where I won't destroy anyone else's hearing but I enjoy it and do it anyway. When I'm at home I do it where the most activity occurs in my home which is outside on or near a walkway leading to our backyard. I don't pick where hauntings occur and I can't tell you why right there, I just know that we have a haunting there.
I will go outside each evening and feed my animals ~ a dog, three caged rabbits and one loose rabbit (he hates being caged). I go out and try to remember the words to any song and if I can't remember the words, I just hum or both. This has toned down many of the things this spirit has done to get attention. You can see the original hauntings at:
This will show what this spirit looks like in energy form.
Why? I can't tell you why. I can't tell you who. I know it feels like a man and that is how I acknowledge it. A friend has told me that it "feels" like a man also. She's a psychic. So I talk to him and sing to him. It makes me feel better because I enjoy singing and it makes him feel better so there's not too much haunting going on.
He used to make himself known by humming, leaving a door to my daughter's room open, footsteps walking down the path to the backyard, footsteps walking up to and on her deck, knocking on her door at 3-4 a.m., making the motion detectors leading to her room turn on....things like that. Just trying desperately to get someone's attention. What I did was to start taking pictures from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. every night for three nights. I would take them every which way....from this angle to that angle. I would try to talk to him with a recorder in my hand hoping he would talk to me ~ NOTHING!! I tried everything I could think of. I set up a geiger counter, EMF meter, things that would tell me that there was something going on. NOTHING!! Finally, on the third day I struck pay dirt. I discovered a picture of my back fence that had a ribbon of energy on it. There it was, beautiful, bright. I was excited. I had tried for three days and this was my pay off. I was ecstatic. Funny that, following that picture the hauntings stopped. That was probably a year ago.
The hauntings have started up again. Obviously this mystery spirit feels we are not acknowledging him or he needs something. I haven't figured out what yet but I'll keep trying. The haunting is not as active as before but I don't get the full picture until my daughter says something to me. So until such time as I'll be able to capture him in a picture again, I'll just be happy to acknowledge my spirit and hope we can spend some quality time at some point.
Happy New and Prosperous Year!!